Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Our Holiday Present

Well, as most of you know...we got a puppy. Yes, I am crazy...(you knew that too)
He is a 9 week old part lab, part sneaky neighbor dog. His name is Shadow.
He is adjusting very well to his new home.

Brian did have a small run in with him though...he jumped up and poor Brian tripped into the wood stove. He got some burns on his hand and arm. Now that all the pain is gone and its healing, he thinks the bandages are cool.

On a good note about Brian, he received an award at karate tonight. Its the Perseverance Award. This was given to ONE person in the whole Dojo, not just in his class.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Board Breaking Video

This is Brian kicking the board. A few moms had tears in their eyes.
He really does amaze people at Karate.

Once again...

Its been way to long since I updated.

The boys are doing great. Brian had board breaking at Karate and did wonderfully. We had his IEP meeting at school. We have a bit to work on but thats ok. We did find out he was reading level P at school. Thats where a 3rd grader should be at the end of the year. He just loves to read.

Alex is still loving school. He finally has another boy in the class. YAH!

Brian was Star Student the last 2 weeks. We sent in things for him to make an about me board. He was line leader for those 2 weeks, class helper and messenger.

The boys also got to visit with Santa at my craft show.

Here is board breaking.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Its been awhile.....

My gosh, its been over a month since my last confession....I mean post.
The boys are doing great!
Brian really likes his teacher this year. She is wonderful!
It has really made a difference in getting him ready in the morning.

Alex loves going also. Everyday he comes home singing a new song. Its to cute!
There are 6 kids in his afternoon class.

5, yes 5 of them are girls!
Here is a pic of Brian's favorite pastime now..can you guess what it is...lol
Also I have a pic of Alex's first homework assignment. It had to be some of his favorite things.
He drew himself in the middle.

That's all for today.
I will leave you with a short video from our future American Idol.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

First Day of School!

Brian started 2nd grade this year. He seems to like his teacher and has a bunch of his friends in his class. In Hope Valley they mix up the classes every year so you are not sure who will be in your class each year. PT has checked on his chairs and he has his special lunch chair and desk chair back. They help him sit up straight and even out his balancing. Brian actually asked on Friday when he was going to get homework. I hope he feels good about it when he actually GETS it. Brian still takes the small bus. Its much easier for him to get up the stairs.

Alex started Preschool!!!! He LOVES going. His teacher is wonderful, Brian had her in Pre-K also. As of right now there are 6 kids in the afternoon class with 3 adults. I had to walk him to his class the first couple of days but Thursday, he went down with his teacher. No tears at all. YAH!

Alot of people ask if I was sad or nervous about Alex going....um, nope! Brian has been going to school since he was 2 1/2. I was so ready for Alex to get there...lol

It gives me just a tiny bit of quiet each day.

Here is a pic of Alex on his very first day of school.